Lodi tour cancelled

The Idle (Lodi) Cricket Club

Winterthur Cricket Cub's planned tour to Lodi to play Idle Cricket Club on 8th & 9th May has been cancelled due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, otherwise known as the Corona virus.

WCC on tour in Lodi in 2017
WCC on tour in Lodi in 2017

How it started

Lombardy is one of the main areas affected by the corona virus. Reportedly the Lombardy outbreak came to light when a 38-year-old Italian tested positive in Codogno, a comune in the province of Lodi. According to his wife, he had met an Italian friend who had returned from China on 21 January, who subsequently tested negative. On 14 February, he felt unwell and went to a doctor in Castiglione d'Adda. He was prescribed treatments for influenza. On 16 February, as the man's condition worsened, he went to Codogno Hospital, reporting respiratory problems. Initially there was no suspicion of COVID-19, so no additional precautionary measures were taken, and the virus was able to infect other patients and health workers.

Current situation

As of Saturday 14th March there have been 21,157 confirmed cases in Italy (11,685 in Lombardy), 1,441 deaths (966 in Lombardy), and 1,966 recoveries.

The border between Switzerland & Italy is closed for tourists and all flights to all of Italy have been suspended.

At the end of February

At the end of February the number of people reported to have contracted the virus in Lombardy had risen to 172 (from a total of 229 cases confirmed in Italy). In Switzerland at the time there were 10 cases.
Although the tour wasn't planned until May and a decision whether to travel would be taken nearer the time when the risks can be accurately assessed given up-to-date data.

However, the new pitch, due to be installed in late spring was likely to be delayed, also posing a risk to the tour.

An of course, the longer it went on, the later the WCC would be able to firm up arrangements like travel & accommodation.

Those hoping to be part of the tour were advised to watch this space.

Winterthur Cricket Club

Nets every Friday



14.7. CSRL v Super Lions

21.7. CSRL v Nomads II

28.7. CSRL v Basel Afghans

11.8. CSRL v Pahktoon Zalmi

18.8. PT20 Semi-Finals

01.9. CST10 tournament 

08.9. PT20 Finals Day

28.9. CST10 Finals Day

29.9. CSNL Regional finals

06.10. CSRL Finals

all fixtures

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