Protection concept

WCC corona virus protective concept

As part of the club's Corona Virus Protective the WCC agreed to publish details on the website. Below is the information required in order to particpate in WCC cricket training.


Hope this email finds you all well. We can now confirm that we have be granted permission from the local authorities to take part in training activities.
I am sure you guys are as excited as we are that we can finally play some cricket.

Training will take place from every Wednesday from 20th May from 6.30 - 8pm, but anyone wishing to prtipcipate mist contact Mo Sameel in advance.

We have to adhere to strict guidelines and safety measures due to COVID-19, hence why it is very important that the captain can plan training sessions in accordance to the guidelines.


Important documents to note are:


Essential points to note from the above:

  • Players only meeting 10 minutes before theor allovcated training slot & leaving the training facilities promptly at the end.
  • Equipment is not shared and where possible players should bring their own.
  • Club kit will be distributed at the beginning of a training session & disinfected at the end of the training.
  • It is recommened to wear a bandanna or a shower cap under the helmet & wear a inners underneath the batting gloves.
  • Disinfectants/hand santisers are made available and players are recommended to bring their own.
  • Anyone showing any signs of the corona virus should stay at home

All prticipants will be asked to sign a 'MOU' (memorandum of understanding) before we start the session, to make sure that we all have read and understood the guidelines and safety measures.

In addition to the webiste, this information has been distributed to all members by email and has been made available on the WCC WhatsApp group.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact the club captain:

Mohamed Sameel
076 446 00 27


WCC Covid-19 Schutzmassnahmen_Phase 1.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 807.9 KB
Cricket Switzerland Protective Measures.
Adobe Acrobat Document 489.6 KB

Swiss Olympic Safety Guidlines.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 521.0 KB
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB

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