Deutweg closed

Winterthur Cricket Club (Deuweg, Winterthur)
Winterthur Cricket Club (Deuweg, Winterthur)

WCC's season has been postponed one month as governent, local authorities & Cricket Switzerland work together to try and  contain the spread of the COVID-19 corona virus.


In a letter to all clubs in Winterthur, the Winterthur Sportamt announced the closure of all the sports field, changing rooms & toilets at Deutweg and across the city until the end of April.

This follows a directive by the Swiss Federal Office for Public Health (FOPH) to close all venues with more than 100 visitors and social meetings with more than 50..

In a statement, Alex Mackay (Winterthur Cricket Club vice-President & President Cricket Switzerland) wrote, "Just last week WCC announced the postpone of the club's AGM, and the cancellation of a visit by Padova CC and our trip to Lodi. And yesterday Cricket Switzerand annonced the postpone of the cricket season until (at least) 1st May. We'll review circumstances at the end of April and make further announcements in due course. Meanwhile, follow instructions by the Swiss Federal Office Of Public Health and keep safe."

Further information

Winterthur Cricket Club

Want to know more? Send an email to Alex Mackay.

Winterthur Cricket Club

Nets every Friday



14.7. CSRL v Super Lions

21.7. CSRL v Nomads II

28.7. CSRL v Basel Afghans

11.8. CSRL v Pahktoon Zalmi

18.8. PT20 Semi-Finals

01.9. CST10 tournament 

08.9. PT20 Finals Day

28.9. CST10 Finals Day

29.9. CSNL Regional finals

06.10. CSRL Finals

all fixtures

Latest club news

WCC qualify for semi-final
Winterthur Cricket Club beat Zurich Embrach by 2 wkts to qualify for the CS T20 semi-finals.

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