Membership fees 2020

Dear WCC member, dear prospective member,

Greetings and welcome to the 2020 season!

WCC's 38th Annual General Meeting was scheduled on 23rd March 2020, but has been postponed until a further notice due the COVID-19 pandemic and the directives implemented by the Swiss government, local sports department & governing cricket body Cricket Switzerland

As the President informed you, the 2019 committee will continue to administer the club until we have an opportunity to hold the AGM.

Accordingly, all the members (active and passive) are invited to pay a Fr. 20 membership fee. Active members will be invited to pay a pro-rata amount as soon as it known if & when we will be able to start the season.


As in previous years, we thankfully welcome kind donations from honorary/passive members too.


Please help us out by paying your fees by Thursday 30th April 2020 to:

Zürcher Kantonalbank, Postfach, 8010 Zurich
Account Name: Winterthur Cricket Club,
IBAN: CH64 0070 0113 2028 1015 8
Account No: 01132-02810158
BCN: 700  

Currently, all facilities in Deutweg are closed hence a date to start practices is also unknown. Some friendly matches were planned for the month of April, but unfortunately all have been cancelled.

But we are still hopeful that we will be able to compete in the Prague Pepsi Cup this year as well as the Cricket Switzerland Premier League & Pickwick Twenty20 domestic tounaments.


Check out the WCC website for updated competitive, friendly and tour fixtures.

We look forward to seeing you during the course of the season and in the near future. Stay fit and healthy!

Kind Regards,
Kasun Munasinghe
WCC Secretary

Further information

Winterthur Cricket Club

Want to know more? Send an email to Kasun Munasinghe.

Winterthur Cricket Club

Latest club news

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The annual Winterthur Cricket Club Christmas Social will take place at on Friday 29th November.


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The Winterthur Cricket Club will hold the club's 43rd Annual General Meeting at the Restaurant Rössli on Thursday 6th March 2025, beginning at 8pm

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