AGM report

On Monday 16th March 2015 the 33rd Annual General Meeting took place at the Restaurant Tiefenbrunnen in Winterthur.

President, John Hallam, opened the meeting at exactly 8pm and proceedings began by members ordering a drink paid for by the club. The meeting then held a moment of silence to remember our friend and club member Boris Trunec who had passed away last year.

The President outlined some of the main events in 2014, a season that hadn't proved to be one of the clubs most successful years - neither on, nor off the field.

And due to the costs incurred for a new pitch, the club treasurer, Jiten Patel, had reported a substantial financial loss year on year,

New committee

Looking ahead to 2015, the club elected the new executive:

John Hallam was unanimously re-elected as President, as was Alex Mackay as Vice-President, Jiten Patel as Treasurer and Chris Lodge as a committe member.

In a switch of positions Matt Allen was elected club secretary to replace the outgoing Urs Stuker and Graham Deacon was elected as social secretary replacing Raj Singh.

Tom Mampilly was elected WCC club captain for 2015 and last year's captain, Prafull Shikare, remained on the executive as a committee member.

Phil Martin & Andy Wilson were both re-elected as club auditors.

See a full list of the Winterthur Cricket Executive Committee.

Membership fees

After a quick check to see if there were any statutory restrictions on raising the fees, and after some discussion, the meeting voted to raise members fees to CHF 200 per annum.

Other business

Under any other business the meeting was told the fixture list for the two domestic leagues were in place, as were various tours (Lodi, Zuoz & Prague) & our own tournament in June. To date just two friendlies had been organised.

Honorary membership was bestowed upon Jiten Patel for 30 years of service to the club, John Hallam handing over a certificate recognising all the work he had done for the club over the years.

Congratulations Jiten!

Winterthur Cricket Club

Latest club news

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WCC Xmas Social

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The annual Winterthur Cricket Club Christmas Social will take place at on Friday 29th November.


(svl, 27.10.2024)

The Winterthur Cricket Club will hold the club's 43rd Annual General Meeting at the Restaurant Rössli on Thursday 6th March 2025, beginning at 8pm

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