End of Season Dinner

The Winterthur Cricket Club cordially invites members, families & friends to the

Winterthur Cricket Club
End of Season Awards Dinner

Saturday 14th November
Apéro from 6.30pm
Advance bookings CHF 75.- per person

Best batsman, best bowler & President’s award
Captain’s address & season’s highlights
Raffle & music

Restaurant Strauss, Stadthaustrasse 8, 8400 Winterthur

Restaurant Strauss
Stadthausstrasse 8, 8400 Winterthur
(6 minutes from Winterthur main station)
Telephone 052 212 29 70

Please use a post office slip or internet banking to:
ZKB, Postfach, 8010 Zurich,
Winterthur Cricket Club
IBAN: CH64 0070 0113 2028 1015 8
Swift: ZKBKCHZZ80A, BCN: 700

Limited seating so reserve early to save disappointment

R.S.V.P and special dietary requirements by Saturday 31st October 2015 to:
Graham Deacon, graham.deacon@winterthurcc.ch

Winterthur Cricket Club

Latest club news

End of Season Dinner

(svl, 18.10.2024)

We’re excited to invite you to the cricket club’s season-end dinner and award night on Saturday, 9th November at 6 pm.

WCC Xmas Social

(svl, 27.10.2024)

The annual Winterthur Cricket Club Christmas Social will take place at on Friday 29th November.


(svl, 27.10.2024)

The Winterthur Cricket Club will hold the club's 43rd Annual General Meeting at the Restaurant Rössli on Thursday 6th March 2025, beginning at 8pm

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