Support Your Sport

An initiative sponsored by Migros!

When you next shop at Migros, collect the "Vereinsbon" and scan the code to donate to a club of your choice.

MIGROS Support Your Sport

That might even be the Winterthur Cricket Club!!


Monies donated to the club by Migros at the end of the season will offset some of the cost towards discounted membership of the Winterthur Cricket Club, whether it be for refugees, students or unemployed, and their match fees!


Your generosity is appreciated.

Winterthur Cricket Club

Latest club news

End of Season Dinner

(svl, 18.10.2024)

We’re excited to invite you to the cricket club’s season-end dinner and award night on Saturday, 9th November at 6 pm.

WCC Xmas Social

(svl, 27.10.2024)

The annual Winterthur Cricket Club Christmas Social will take place at on Friday 29th November.


(svl, 27.10.2024)

The Winterthur Cricket Club will hold the club's 43rd Annual General Meeting at the Restaurant Rössli on Thursday 6th March 2025, beginning at 8pm

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