JvM Cricket Day

On Thursday 18th August coaches & players of Winterthur Cricket Club assisted Cricket Switzerland to instruct 80 employees of the Swiss marketing agency JvM in a four hour cricketing experience at Klopstockwiese in Zurich.

After a fine British lunch experience with the Swiss Pie Company, washed down with Brown Ale, Ginger Beer and Scrumpy, 80 participants from JvM Group were split into six groups, each with an experienced cricket coach and cricket player, to teach & practice some basic cricket skills (catching, throwing & batting) before putting those skills into practice in a six-team Kwik Cricket competition.

Photo reproduced by kind permission of Cricket Switzerland
Photo reproduced by kind permission of Cricket Switzerland

Nothing was going to stop the group from playing cricket and having a terrific time, not the precipitous conditions, not even a tree collapsing onto the corner of one field. The participants were enthusiastic throughout the day and soon began to apply strategies & tactics typical to cricket to gain a winning advantage in their respective matches.
Many also displayed good hand-eye-ball coordination, with some great shots and terrific catches.

Osama (Power), Alex, John, Jiten, Tom, Prafull, Chris (Winterthur), Patrick, Nic (Zurich Crickets), Veena (Sapphires) all had an equally good time and were equally drenched by all the rainfall by the end of the day.

They are all to be congratulated in making this happen and, despiute the terrible weather, for carrying out such a marvelous job. They were all instrumental in assisting Cricket Switzerland deliver this event.

For more information about the JvM Cricket Day please refer to the article on the Cricket Switzerland website.

There you will also find all the photos of the JvM Cricket Day.

Winterthur Cricket Club

Nets every Friday



14.7. CSRL v Super Lions

21.7. CSRL v Nomads II

28.7. CSRL v Basel Afghans

11.8. CSRL v Pahktoon Zalmi

18.8. PT20 Semi-Finals

01.9. CST10 tournament 

08.9. PT20 Finals Day

28.9. CST10 Finals Day

29.9. CSNL Regional finals

06.10. CSRL Finals

all fixtures

Latest club news

WCC qualify for semi-final
Winterthur Cricket Club beat Zurich Embrach by 2 wkts to qualify for the CS T20 semi-finals.

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