Swisscom support WCC

Swisscom, Switzerland's largest telecommunication company, has agreed to support the Winterthur Cricket Club in its cricketing activities & ambitions in 2021.


Mohamed Sameel, said "We appreciate the assistance Swisscom has offered us this year and hope this will be the start of a long-term sporting relationship between the two".

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Click on the logo above to find out how Swisscom can help you with your telecommunication requirements.

About Swisscom

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Swisscom AG is a major telecommunications provider in Switzerland. The Swiss government owns 51.0 percent of Swisscom AG, that has its headquarters in Ittigen near Bern. According to its own published data, Swisscom holds a market share of 60% for mobile, 67% for broadband and 33% for TV telecommunication in Switzerland.

Winterthur Cricket Club


06.03. WCC AGM 


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Latest club news


(svl, 27.10.2024)

The Winterthur Cricket Club will hold the club's 43rd Annual General Meeting at the Restaurant Rössli on Thursday 6th March 2025, beginning at 8pm

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