Membership Fees due

Dear All,

Thank you to any members who already sent payment for their WCC Membership Renewals for 2021.

Competitive cricket will commence on Sunday 13th June, all players should be be fully paid up and prompt payment is appreciated.

The pricing remains unchanged:

Active - CHF 200
Passive - CHF 20
Donator - Not Fixed
Reduction of 50% for persons in full time education, unemployment or refugee.

Full payment information and tips.

Kind Regards
Scott Le Page
WCC Secretary

Winterthur Cricket Club

Nets every Friday



14.7. CSRL v Super Lions

21.7. CSRL v Nomads II

28.7. CSRL v Basel Afghans

11.8. CSRL v Pahktoon Zalmi

18.8. PT20 Semi-Finals

01.9. CST10 tournament 

08.9. PT20 Finals Day

28.9. CST10 Finals Day

29.9. CSNL Regional finals

06.10. CSRL Finals

all fixtures

Latest club news

WCC qualify for semi-final
Winterthur Cricket Club beat Zurich Embrach by 2 wkts to qualify for the CS T20 semi-finals.

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