Internal Cricket match

On Sunday 30th April Winterthur Cricket Club held their annual WCC Internal Cricket Match with BBQ at Deutweg

The 3 Cricketeers,  Athos, Porthos and Aramis!
The 3 Cricketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis!

The participants certainly got the pick of the weather over the Mayday bank holiday weekend with unbroken sunshine throughout the day.

Participants and their families enjoyed a superb day out, with two cricket matches and a fantastic barbecue with all the trimmings

Thanks to Vinny & his team no-one went hungry or thirsty!

Match 1

(c) Winterthur Cricket Club

Match report will appear here soon.

Match 2

(c) Winterthur Cricket Club

Match report will appear here soon.

More information

You can view photographs of the club's 2017 internal match in the WCC website gallery.


For further information about this event or how to become a member of the Winterthur Club Club contact Vinny Patel.

Winterthur Cricket Club

Nets every Friday



14.7. CSRL v Super Lions

21.7. CSRL v Nomads II

28.7. CSRL v Basel Afghans

11.8. CSRL v Pahktoon Zalmi

18.8. PT20 Semi-Finals

01.9. CST10 tournament 

08.9. PT20 Finals Day

28.9. CST10 Finals Day

29.9. CSNL Regional finals

06.10. CSRL Finals

all fixtures

Latest club news

WCC qualify for semi-final
Winterthur Cricket Club beat Zurich Embrach by 2 wkts to qualify for the CS T20 semi-finals.

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