CS T10 Finals Day

Deutweg, Sunday 14th May 2023

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Winterthur Cricket Club's bid to host the Cricket Switzerland T10 Finals Day on Sunday 14th May at Deutweg, Winterthur has been accepted.


Details of the arrangements for the finals day, including the teams qualifying for the CST10 semi-finals are below. 


Date Time Match Venue
14th May 11am SF1: Olten v Geneva Deutweg 
14th May 12.30pm SF2: Nomads v Power Deutweg
14th May 3pm Winner SF1 v Winner SF2 Deutweg

Qualifying rounds

Date Time Match Venue Officials
15th April 2pm Wettingen v Zug Kreuzzelg S.Afghan
15th April 4pm S.Afghan v Wettingen Kreuzzelg Zug
23rd April 10am Swiss Afghan v Aargau Deutweg Power
23rd April 12pm Power v Swiss Afghan Deutweg WCC
23rd April 2pm Winterthur v Aargau Deutweg S.Afghan
23rd April 4pm Power v Winterthur Deutweg Aargau
29th April 10am Zug v Aargau Hottingen Power
29th April 12pm Power v Zug Hottingen Wettingen
29th April 2pm Wettingen v Aargau Hottingen Zug
29th April 4pm Power v Aargau Hottingen Wettingen
30th April 10am Zug CC v Winterthur Deutweg Power
30th April 11.45am Swiss Afghan v Zug Deutweg WCC
30th April 1.30pm Winterthur v Swiss Afghan Deutweg Wettingen
30th April 3.15pn Power v Wettingen Deutweg Zug
30th April 5pm Winterthur v Wettingen Deutweg S.Afghan
Winterthur Cricket Club

Latest club news

End of Season Dinner

(svl, 18.10.2024)

We’re excited to invite you to the cricket club’s season-end dinner and award night on Saturday, 9th November at 6 pm.

WCC Xmas Social

(svl, 27.10.2024)

The annual Winterthur Cricket Club Christmas Social will take place at on Friday 29th November.


(svl, 27.10.2024)

The Winterthur Cricket Club will hold the club's 43rd Annual General Meeting at the Restaurant Rössli on Thursday 6th March 2025, beginning at 8pm

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