It is with sadness that we learned today of the death of Borivoj Trunec, fondly known in the cricket club as Boris, an Honorary Member of the Winterthur Cricket Club, who joined the club in 1986.
Although Boris always paid his subs as an Active Member, he was not actually keen on playing. When asked what made him join WCC he replied that he enjoyed "being with happy people" - therefore he
did not miss many social activities.
Who cannot remember him on one of the various trips to Farnborough strolling along the boundary as a spectator with his radio baseball cap? Maybe he was listening to some big-band music because
he had been a trombone player in his younger days playing with some famous musicians as a semi-professional in his native city of Prague. That's where he also acted as a competent tourist guide
in recent years when a Winterthur team went to play cricket there.
He left Czechoslovakia in 1968 intending to settle in the USA but somehow on the way he was offered a job as an engineer for the Sulzer Pump Department where he worked until his retirement.
We only ever saw Boris in good spirits and we will miss him.
Boris R.I.P.
The funeral will take place on Thursday 28th August at 9.30am at the Abdankungskapelle Friedhof Rosenberg in Winterthur.
In place of flowers the family have suggested a donation to:
Krebsliga des Kantons Zürich, 8032 Zürich,
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